Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Summer...a Quick Returning Note

Well, I'm back. This blog still exists and I'm gonna try to keep up with posting more regularly. My extended leave of absence was due, mainly to the fact that I felt that I really had nothing interesting to say. But, I'm back, ranting and raving and just writing random things. Feel free to tune in.

As for where I am in my life, I'm currently attending Texas Lutheran University, majoring in communications and English. I love everything about school and this new stage of life. I'm sure plenty of stories will be posted in the coming months. Most importantly, I've met the love of my life and am coming up on the first year of a amazing relationship with an incredible woman. I'm living in the moment, but I'm planning on marrying her someday. There we go. Things got personal. I'm also throwing myself into my writing, working and planning my novel (which I believe will be a trilogy if everything works out). Struck, is my chosen title for the moment. I'll let you know how the novel writing goes, but I'm hoping to be done with the first full draft by Christmas.

As for this beloved and dusty little blog, it will go back to what it always was; an avenue for thoughts and feelings, random rants and maybe a few short stories or ideas. As always, this is just going to be a quick look  into the chaos of my mind.

The reason for this returning post is due to the fact that my first summer as a college student is coming to an end in about 8 days. I'll be returning to school next Sunday, to the town and friends I know and love. Unfortunately, it also means I'll be leaving my family, friends (old and new) and a beloved job behind. And that's a lot to take in.

For the first time, I won't be leaving with my family, I'll be leaving my family. I'm back to being on my own, in a different world, with different people. As excited for it as I am, I'm also sad. But that's growing up, I guess.

This next semester should be fun though. I'm hoping to work on campus, or at a movie theater or at a bookstore. Somewhere that pays me mainly. That's the real drawing factor. Classes will be fun, though I'm taking college level Spanish, so we'll see how that goes. But I get some cool new roommates and some new opportunities for friendships, so I'm excited to see how it goes.

This was really pointless, but it's good to be writing again. Here's to the future and everything that it holds. See you next time!

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